Online IQ Test Practice
An abstract reasoning test is an assessment that uses shapes and patterns to assess your problem-solving skills and ability to spot logical series. Abstract reasoning tests are non-verbal tests and so these tests will not require you to analyse verbal or numerical information in the questions and answers.
This test consists of total 40 multiple-choice questions. On each test you will get 20 random questions. You will be given 4 choices from which to select and complete the missing element.
WAIS-IV Test Preparation
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)® is an IQ test used to assess intelligence and cognitive capacity in adults and older adolescents. The WAIS®-IV assessment is appropriate for use with persons aged 16 to 90. It’s the most extensively used IQ test in the world. The latest version of the test, the WAIS®-IV, which was introduced in 2008, consists of ten core subtests and five additional subtests.
This test consists of total 80 multiple-choice questions . You can always use the info button (upper-left) to see a hint. On each test you will get 20 random questions. The correct answers along with calculated score are proved upon completing the test.
WISC-V Test Practice
Practice Test for the WISC®-V Test
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®/WISC® is used to assess intelligence in children aged 6 to 16. It consists of 16 primary and five complementary subtests. The WISC®-V assessment takes between 50 and 65 minutes to complete. The purpose of the test is to determine whether or not the child is gifted, as well as the student’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Visual puzzles and Figure Weights are two of the new primary subtests included in this practice test.
About this test
This test will help you to practice and prepare for Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V®) Test. It consists of total 60 multiple-choice questions. On each test you will get 20 random questions with similar difficulty.
You will be given 4 choices from which to select. The correct answers along with calculated score are proved upon completing the test.
Raven’s Progressive Matrices
RPM (Raven’s Progressive Matrices™) is a nonverbal test typically used to measure general human intelligence.
This test consists of total 100 multiple-choice RPM/SPM/APM questions. On each test you will get 20 random questions with similar difficulty. You will be given 8 choices from which to select and complete the missing element.
You can always use the info button (upper-left) to see the logic in case the question is too hard for you.
The correct answers along with calculated score are proved upon completing the test.